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Propane Bottle Fill,
Tank Rental, & Delivery

Our minimum fuel and propane delivery amount is 175 gallons. We can deliver up to 2000 gallons of propane at a time.

If you run out of propane on weekends, we charge a $150 service charge to come and fill the tank.

We rent LP tanks to customers.

Patrons Coop Fuel Trailer
Fuel and Propane Tanks at Patrons Cooperative Association

We are unable to fill propane tanks that are enclosed in RV’s, since we are unable to weigh them.

We have exchange cages with 20# LP bottles located at:

We accept SD Low Income Energy Assistance Program enrollees for propane delivery.

Now Filling Small Tanks

We fill small 20#, 30# and 100# propane bottles from 7:00 am – 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday.